Management Consulting

Organizational Strategy
Helps leaders define true-north and align everyone at all levels with the purpose and vision for the organisation.

Organizational Design
Provides a methodology to guide management teams though the difficult process of designing an organisation structure that meets future needs.

Organizational Development
Incorporates talent management and succession planning to increase the bench strength of your organisation and increase capability and flexibility for the future. 

People Development
Supports leaders and managers develop the capabilities required to be successful in their roles and to deliver results.

Vortex Solutions approach to designing, defining and implementing sustainable solutions starts with our belief to go beyond theory and recognize that one size does not fit all..... Each organization is different......

We start with a thorough review of your current organization, then help you determine your future. By collaborating with your people and challenging both ourselves and you to develop the most effective and efficient long term solutions for your company, we ensure a successful implementation with measurable results.

Development of Corporate Mission, Vision and Values

  • Mission: Defines the fundamental purpose and/or business of the organization​​​
  • Vision: Defines what the organization strives to become and/or achieve in the next three to five years
  • Values: Defines the corporate culture/beliefs of the organization and serves as guiding principals for decision making
  • Strategic Direction: Defines what the company must do to uphold it's Mission, achieve it's Vision and maintain it's Values

New Leaders Assimilation Workshops

  • An interactive facilitated process between leader and team designed to accelerate:
  •  Information sharing and validation
  • Leader to team relationship building
  • Overall team building

Organizational Assessment and Development

  • Aligned Organization Structure- Macro and Micro
  • Competency Models and Job Descriptions
  • Skills Development and Assessment
  • HR Policy and Procedure

Executive Coaching

  • Partnering with today’s leaders to define goals and unleash hidden potential

Talent Management Including:

  • Role and Responsibility Clarity
  • Competency Models
  • Performance Management
  • ​Training and Development
  • Coaching and​ Feedback
  • Rewards and Recognition